Client Rights and Responsibilities
Client Rights and Responsibilities makes clear statements about the nature and standard of the service that we will provide to you. This will assist you to play an active role in the decisions that affect your life.
Change Futures adopts the Australian Psychological Society (APS) Charter for clients of APS Psychologists as the foundation for the rights of clients accessing any of our services. Whilst not all staff engaged with Change Futures are Psychologists, there is an expectation that the Statement will apply to all staff. A copy of the Charter for clients of APS Psychologists can be found on our resources page.
Further, Change Futures has developed the following responsibilities for clients when accessing services:
Statement of client rights:
- You will be treated with respect at all times.
- Your cultural background and language tradition will be respected.
- You will be given a clear explanation of the services you will receive.
- You will be asked to give your consent for any service provided by your therapist prior to the service commencing and as it progresses.
- You will receive an explanation about the confidentiality of the service and the exceptional situations where your confidentiality may not be protected.
- You will receive an explanation about how to give feedback or make a complaint, and where to find further information and resources.
- You will receive a clear statement about fees for your therapist’s services.
- There will be a discussion about the estimated number of sessions required to achieve your goals.
- You will receive skilled and professional services from your therapist.
- There will be clear goals that you and your therapist are working toward.
- You can ask any questions about the service you are receiving.
Change Futures will also uphold your right to:
- receive an explanation about how to give feedback or make a complaint, and where to find further information and resources.
- ensure your safety when accessing our services and prevent harm whenever this is possible.
Statement of client responsibilities:
- Respect other people’s rights to a safe, secure and comfortable environment.
- Treat other clients, staff and volunteers with fairness, honesty and respect.
- Respect other people’s rights to privacy and confidentiality.
- Follow the programs’ policies and procedures as they relate to clients and access to support.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding these Client Rights and Responsibilities, please discuss this with your Change Future’s practitioner or our customer service team through our contact us page.